The Jewel of Humility

Humility is the real secret of the spiritual life.

My ego talks, My humility acts.

The Wings of Joy

When we embody humility, we neither underestimate nor overestimate our life. Humility is not a matter of touching the feet of somebody. It is our feeling of consecrated oneness with humanity. Real humility is the expansion of our consciousness. It is the God-life within us. The higher we go, the greater is our promise to the Supreme in mankind. The more light we receive by virtue of our humility, the more we have to offer mankind.

When we really have something to offer, and when we want to offer it with a devoted quality, then humility automatically comes to the fore. While we are achieving something, we have to constantly remember to be humble in order to be of greater service to mankind. In self-giving we become truly happy. In our human life when we achieve something, immediately pride, vanity, and many other forces enter into us. We extol ourselves to the skies. Or insecurity comes. No matter how powerful, how rich, or how wise we are, we do not feel totally secure. But when we practice meditation regularly and devotedly, we get abundant peace, light, and bliss. When we get these qualities, automatically we feel that it is our bounden duty to become inseparably one with the rest of the world. At that time, real humility dawns.

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