First-hand experiences of meditation and spirituality.
Believe, take a step and proceed: a 6-day race experience
Susan Marshall ,I was what you call a classic unconscious seeker
Rupantar LaRusso New York, United StatesThe spiritual life is normal to me
Shankara Smith London, United KingdomAll I needed was the Supreme, and I would always win
Pragati Pascale New York, United StatesThe happiest I've ever been
Gabriele Settimi San Diego, United StatesSri Chinmoy's opening meditation at the Parliament of World Religions
Pradhan Balter Chicago, United StatesReflections on meditation
Janaka Spence Edinburgh, United KingdomPatanga: my spiritual name
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil'You two have been friends for many hundreds of years'
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand'Always say things in such a way as to inspire people, not discourage them'
Pradhan Balter Chicago, United StatesHow my spiritual search led me to Sri Chinmoy
Vidura Groulx Montreal, CanadaRunning and Me
Garga Chamberlain Bristol, United KingdomSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students