Seeing God in your Child

About seeing God in children

A Child's Heart and A Child's Dreams

As parents, you should feel that your children are dear to you precisely because God is inside them. Again, you should feel that you are dear to your children because God is inside you. While you are talking to your children and trying to discipline their lives, you have to feel the presence of the living God inside them. The way to feel the presence of God inside your children is to feel His presence inside yourself first. Then it is easy to feel the presence of God inside others. If you maintain your own divinity within yourself, then no matter who you see, that person will be a projection of your own divinity.

Unfortunately, most people do not feel the presence of God inside themselves, let alone inside their children. They look upon their children as their possessions and feel that they have every right to mould them and guide them according to their own sweet will. But if you feel that you love your children precisely because God is inside them, then there will be a spontaneous flow of divine love going from you to your children. At that time, your children will feel that you have something special too offer.

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